Do you know that nails are not only representing beauty but also your health? Surprising! Isn’t it? Yes, the nails are composed of a protein layer called keratin that helps to keep the nails healthy.
In general, we prefer manicure to clean the nails and make it shiny but there are many natural ways to add shine to the nails.
In this article, we are going to know how to keep the nails shiny and healthy with the best natural remedies at home (without spending much on spas and manicures).
Let’s get started…
Home Remedies for Shiny Nails:
The below-mentioned remedies are safe and widely used remedies that definitely make your nails look shiny, healthy and beautiful.
Remedy – 1: (Olive Oil)
The linoleic acid in olive oil makes it act as a good moisturizer. This moisturizes the nails by preventing the evaporation of water and thus makes the nails look shiny and perfect.
- Add some olive oil in a bowl filled with warm water and stir well.
- Soak your nails in this water for 5 minutes.
- Take it out and massage the nails and fingers for 2 – 3 minutes with warm olive oil.
- Clean the nails and fingers with water and repeat it regularly.
Note: Or simply pour warm olive oil in a bowl and soak the nails in this water for 5 minutes and remove it. Then wear cotton gloves for overnight and rinse off in the morning. Dry them and moisturize it.
Remedy – 2: (Avocado)
The rich content of fat, protein, and nutrients in avocado helps a lot to restore the natural shine to the nails. Avocado oil has vitamins (A, B, D & E), potassium and antioxidant property that help to keep your nails shiny and healthy.
- Mash 1/2 a piece of ripe avocado and mix rosewater in this mash to make it a fine paste.
- Apply it on your nails and massage it gently for few minutes.
- Let it sit for about 15 – 20 minutes and rinse off with water.
- Repeat the same process regularly to maintain pink and shiny nails.
- Or simply apply some avocado oil to the nails to nourish them from dryness and prevent dry and brittle nails.
- Or else apply rosewater directly on the nails and massage gently for a couple of minutes and rinse it off.
- Also, consume combinations with avocado as ripe avocado and tomato (or) a salad prepared with pieces of ripe avocado, grapefruit, and oranges to grab the vitamin E and thereby keep your nails shiny.
Remedy – 3: (Lemon Juice)
Lemon is a natural bleaching or skin lighting agent that effectively removes the stains from the nails and leave it strong and shiny. Here is a simple way to manicure your nails using lemon juice.
- Pour 1 – 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice in a bowl.
- Soak your nails in this juice for 5 minutes.
- Then mix 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar in warm water in another bowl.
- Dip a nail brush or toothbrush in this water and use it scrub your nails gently to clear the dirt and dust.
- Finally, rinse the nails with water and apply moisturizer.
- Continue doing the same process regularly for once or twice in 15 days to maintain shiny nails.
- If you have dry or sensitive skin, then dilute the lemon juice with water and use it to soak your nails.
- Or simply pour 1 teaspoon each of olive oil, fresh lemon juice and coconut oil and 1/2 cup of warm water in a bowl. Stir and soak your nails for about 15 – 20 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water and apply a nail cream or moisturizer. Do it once a week to maintain healthy and shiny nails.
Remedy – 4: (Milk)
Milk acts as a good cleanser that cleanses your nails and nourishes it with its moisturizing property.
- Pour enough warm milk in a bowl and soak your nails in this milk for 5 – 7 minutes.
- Then rinse it off with water and pat dry them.
- Moisturize it with a nail or hand cream and continue the same regularly to get shiny nails.
Remedy – 5: (Diet Plan)
Intake of proper diet and plenty of water is essential to maintain shiny and healthy nails. Here is the diet plan for getting and maintaining shiny and healthy nails.
- Intake of foods which are rich in hydrochloric acid (or which enhance this acid level) will help to break down the food and thereby helps in the proper absorption of nutrients by the body, as nutritional deficiency also results in dry and dull nails. So, include Leafy vegetables (like kale, barley grass, spinach, or celery), black olives, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or any other citrus juices.
- Include protein rich foods like eggs, beans, pork, dairy products, fish, chicken, vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, watercress, sweet corn, spinach, Brussels sprouts, etc.) in your diet or drink protein shakes to grab the essential keratin protein for healthy nails.
- Omega – 3 fatty acids help to lubricate and moisture the nails to keep them shiny. So, consume omega – 3 rich foods like fishes or take 300 mg of fish oil regularly.
- Biotin (B – complex vitamin) helps to improve the keratin infrastructure and keep your nails shiny and beautiful. So, consume biotin-rich foods like almonds, carrots, eggs, peanuts, salmon, tomatoes, banana, mushrooms, etc.
- Drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids which help to keep the body and nails stay hydrated and moisturized.
- Probiotics help to digest the food and make the body absorb all the essential nutrients from the food. So, include probiotic rich foods like yogurt for 1 – 2 times daily.
- Gamma – linolenic acid (GLA) helps to restore the natural shine and health. So, consume 500 mg of black seed oil or evening primrose oil (sources of GLA) for twice daily to grab the natural shiny nails.
- Avoid continuous usage of nail polishes, as they contain certain harsh chemicals which block oxygen and nutrients supply to the nails and make them dry, dull and brittle.
- Also, the application of other natural remedies like baby oil, coconut oil, melted butter, vitamin E oil, cucumber juice or evening primrose oil and massage the nails for few minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water and do it regularly for shiny nails.
- Always be sure to use chemical free (acetone free) and high-quality nail polishes to protect your nail and to maintain their natural shine.
- Regularly trim your nails and remove the dust or dead cells to maintain them healthy. Also, wear gloves while doing some household water-based works like cleaning dishes, washing clothes, etc. to protect your nails.
- Never ever use your nails as your tools, as it results in dull or broken nails. Also, use moisturizing creams, cuticle oils or Vaseline products to keep them moisturized and free from dust.
- Consult your doctor to check whether your dull and brittle nails are caused due to any nutritional deficiency or as a side effect of medications.
- Remember just like your skin, the nails too require exfoliation to clear the dust, impurities and dead skin and thus to retain natural shine. So, use a soft bristled toothbrush with some whitening toothpaste to exfoliate the nails and give them a refreshing feel.
Try these natural ways to add natural shine to your nails. Do you think any method I missed mentioning in this shiny nails remedies? Then share it with us in the below comments box.