Oral thrush occurs due to the overgrowth of yeast in your mouth which is also known as fungus Candida albicans.
This infection grows when your immune system is weak an unable to control the infections. You can see this infection appears on the tongue or cheeks as creamy white spots when your unable to control, it may spread to overall mouth.
Oral thrush may occur in anyone, most commonly in babies and people with weak immune system may suffer with it mostly.
Symptoms of Oral Thrush
Initially when oral thrush occurs it may not show any symptoms but when time passes and the infection started growing then you may find below symptoms.
- You can find some creamy white spots on tongue, inner checks also on roof of mouth and back of throat.
- It starts bleeding when they are rubbed by teeth or when you brush the teeth.
- Loss of taste or burning sensation.
- You feel difficult and Pain when you swallow food.
- Cracks at edges of mouth.
- Headache, feeling tired, dizziness, sweating, sinus infection, skin breakouts and flu-like symptoms.
Causes Of Oral Thrush
Your immune system works to stop the cause of harmful infections. But sometimes your immunity may weak which allows increase of fungus, yeast and bacteria which may cause oral thrush. Here are some causes how oral thrush may occur.
- People who are wearing dentures which don’t fit properly may suffer with thrush.
- Having diabetes or suffering from vaginal yeast infection or cancer is more prone to this oral thrush.
- People who smoke are at risk of thrush.
- Oral thrush may occur from person to person also. For example in newborn baby from their mother and in children when they are exchanging the toys with children who are suffering with oral thrush.
To treat oral thrush instead of using the medicines, try to follow up of a healthy diet, good oral hygiene, regular exercises, proper sleep and also some effective natural remedies will help you to get relief from oral thrush.
Home Remedies for Oral Thrush:
Here are some of the best natural remedies with steps that control the infections caused by yeast and makes you free from oral thrush.
Remedy – 1: Salt
Salt is one of the best home remedy to destroy the fungus because of its antimicrobial property that effectively creates an inhospitable environment for the fungus to grow and thereby clears oral yeast infection.
- Take 1 cup of warm water.
- Add 1/2 – 1 teaspoon of salt in cup of warm water.
- Mix it properly.
- Use this water to gargle your mouth thoroughly.
- Try to spit it out to clear the infection.
- Repeat the same process 2 – 3 times daily till you get relief from Oral thrush.
Note: Also you can take some salt on your tongue, and gently rub it with your fingers, then rinse your mouth with warm water. Repeat the same process twice a day to get aid of oral thrush.
Remedy – 2: Yogurt
Probiotic yogurt helps to treat oral thrush, because of its live or active cultures of the lactobacilli species. It also aids in proper digestion. For best results, use plain and unsweetened yogurt.
- Apply some yogurt on your tongue with your finger tips.
- Leave it for 5 – 10 minutes.
- Rinse off with warm water.
- Repeat the same process once or twice a day till you get relief from oral thrush.
- Consume 2 – 3 cups of yogurt everyday for few weeks.
Remedy – 3: Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of the oldest home remedy which has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiseptic properties that clear the infection caused by yeast and reduces the discomforts that associated with thrush. Coconut oil pulling is one best way to get rid of oral problems.
- For best results, do this process early in the morning with empty stomach.
- Pour 1 teaspoon of extra virgin coconut oil in your mouth in the morning.
- Swirl the oil for 10 -15 minutes around the mouth. Then spit it.
- Rinse mouth with warm water and brush your teeth.
- Repeat the same process daily to get rid from oral thrush and to maintain oral teeth.
Note: Apply coconut oil on the area infected by oral thrush inside the mouth with cotton bud. Allow it to stay for a long-time. Then you may or may not choose to rinse with water as coconut oil is good for health. Repeat the process daily.
You can use coconut oil for cooking your everyday meals and note the change in the pattern of oral thrush.
Remedy – 4: Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can control any type of infection due to the acidic nature, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and enzymes properties in it. It prevents the growth of yeast causing infection by restoring the body pH level. It also boosts up the immune system to fight with infection.
- Take cup of warm water and add 2 tablespoons of ACV and 1/2 tablespoon of salt.
- Stir well and until they mix equally.
- Use this mixed water to rinse off your mouth.
- Continue the process daily till you get rid from the oral thrush.
Note: Mix 2 teaspoons of ACV and some amount of honey in cup of warm water. Drink twice a day daily until you get rid of oral thrush.
Remedy – 5: Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil have powerful antifungal properties which helps in control the growth of yeast and get relief from oral thrush.
- Take 1 cup of warm water add 4 or 5 drops of tea tree oil.
- Stir it well until it mix uniformly.
- Use this mixture to gargle for couple of minutes.
- Repeat this process twice a day until you get relief from thrush.
Note: Don’t consume tea tree oil because sometimes it can cause side effects
Remedy – 6: Cinnamon
Cinnamon’s will control the growth of yeast and helps to get relief from oral thrush because of its powerful antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic properties.
- Take 1 ½ cup of water then add 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
- Boil if for about 5 minutes.
- Pour it in a cup and add some lemon juice.
- Drink it twice a day to get rid of oral thrush.
- Mix few drops of cinnamon oil in 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. Apply this solution on the white patches that caused due to oral thrush. Rinse your mouth after 10 minutes. Repeat this process daily for few days.
- Pregnant women should avoid the usage of cinnamon.
Remedy – 7: Baking soda
Baking soda is one of best and inexpensive home remedy to destroy yeast and helps to restrict the growth of yeast which cause oral thrush. It also helps to restore the pH level of the mouth by neutralizing the acids.
- Take a bowl add 1 – 2 tablespoons of baking soda and sufficient water.
- Stir it well till it mix properly.
- Apply this paste on the inner check area and tongue by using a cotton swab.
- Leave it for few minutes.
- Rinse your mouth with warm water.
- Repeat the same process for more than 2 times daily to get rid from oral thrush.
Note: Take 1 glass of water with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Use this baking soda water mixture to rinse the mouth for twice daily.
Remedy – 8: Oregano Oil
Oregano oil has antifungal and antimicrobial properties which help to restrict the growth of yeast causing oral thrush. It also contains arbutin that kills off the candida to make your free from oral thrush and helps to boosts up the immunity.
- Take a cup add 2 – 4 drops of oregano oil and 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
- Stir it well until it mix equally.
- Apply this mixture on the tongue and also inside the mouth where you’re suffering from oral thrush.
- Leave it for 10 minutes.
- Rinse off with warm water.
- Repeat this process daily twice a day till the infection cleared.
- Take 1 glass of water add 3 drops of oregano oil, Stir well and drink it twice daily for few days.
- Take oregano oil capsules only after consulting the doctor to know the extract dosage as per your health.
Remedy – 9: Olive Leaf
Olive leaf is one of the most effective home remedy helps to kill the microbes which cause oral thrush because of its powerful antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
The oleuropein is an active ingredient which boosts immunity and fights against the infections which cause oral thrush.
- Take 1 cup of water and steep 2 tablespoons of olive leaf.
- Boil it for 10 minutes.
- Strain the tea and drink this olive leaf tea.
- Repeat the process on daily basis for 2 – 3 times will help you to get relief from the problem.
- Intake of olive leaf extracts (250 – 300 mg) after the prior advice of your doctor will give relief from the problem.
- Also After getting relief from oral thrush, you can consume the olive leaf tea daily.
Remedy – 10: Garlic
Garlic is of the ancient home remedy with anti fungal properties which helps in killing the yeast and bacteria from your mouth which cause oral thrush. It also helps to boost up your immunity.
- Take 2 to 3 raw garlic’s consume them, after chewing slowly then swallow the juices in it. Repeat the process on the daily basis.
- Also you can apply garlic oil inside your mouth to get rid of oral thrush. Repeat it few times a day.
Tips and Precautions:
- Brush your teeth daily twice a day, floss it once daily and go for regular checkups.
- Practicing good oral hygiene will help you to get control over the candida yeast and thereby prevent the infection.
- Replace the toothbrush frequently and clean your tongue regularly with a tongue scraper.
- If you are a diabetic try to manage the blood sugar levels to prevent the infections.
- Wash your dentures and keep them clean, try to remove them and soak in water when you’re going to bed. Put them back in morning only after cleaning dentures with toothbrush.
- Eat balanced diet and take only some amount of sugar or sugary foods.
- Try to stop smoking if you are a smoker.
- Consume a healthy and easy to swallow foods like yogurt and also sip some cool water or ice chips to get rid of discomforts caused by it.
- Consult your doctor for proper diagnose and treatment if you didn’t get any rid from oral thrush after trying the above remedies also.
- Drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins and stay hydrated.
With the proper care and applying the above natural remedies regularly will help you to get relief from oral thrush. Do you know any other successful remedies for oral thrush? Then share it with us in the below comments box.
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