Are you suffering from eye wrinkles and looking old than actual age? Eyes are one of the most important features on the face and these under eye wrinkles can be unsightly and make you self – conscious.
Smile lines, crow’s feet or eye wrinkles (whatever you name it) are generally caused when the body loses its ability to replace the collagen and elastin proteins, which are essential to keep the skin elastic, supple and vibrant.
Under eye wrinkles can be caused by many reasons but the most effective reasons are mentioned below.
- Aging
- Genetics
- Prolonged exposure to sun’s harmful UV rays
- Smoking
- Facial movements and expression (squinting, frowning, laughing, etc.)
- Poor facial skin care (skipping moisturizer or usage of harsh chemical based products)
- Nutritional Deficiencies (especially vitamins A, C, K & E and water content)
- Stress
- Environmental pollutants
- Usage of certain medications
Spa/medical treatments such as laser treatments, dermal fillers treatment, Dysport or Botox treatment, microdermabrasion, etc. will help to treat under eye wrinkles. But these are most expensive and may include side effects to the skin.
So, choose some natural remedies which are easily available at home to get relief from the under eye wrinkles effectively. Also, adopt a skin cleansing and moisturizing (skincare habit) and consume healthy diet along with these natural remedies to stay young and beautiful by postponing the formation of wrinkles on the skin.
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Under Eye Wrinkles Naturally:
Here are some of the best remedies that stimulate the collagen production and help to improve your look by preventing the under eye wrinkles. All you need is to follow them regularly until you reduced the under eye wrinkles.
Let’s get started…
Remedy – 1: (Pineapple)
Bromelain is an active enzyme present in pineapple is a natural source of alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) and anti-inflammatory property that promote skin elasticity to prevent wrinkles. It has astringent, antioxidant, vitamin C and other essential nutrients that exfoliate the skin to remove dead skin cells and fights off the free radicals to prevent the formation of wrinkles under your eye area.
- Take some fresh pineapple juice and apply it under the eye area by using a cotton ball.
- Let it sit for 15 – 20 minutes and rinse your face with water.
- Dry your skin gently by using a soft towel.
- Repeat the same process for several times a week until you notice the wrinkles have disappeared from under eye area.
Remedy – 2: (Natural Oils)
Oil massage is an effective remedy for treating wrinkles on your skin by moisturizing and stimulating the collagen production. Here are some best oils that help you to get rid of wrinkles under your eyes.
1. Castor Oil – It increases the production of elastin and collagen production along with moisturizing the skin by improving blood circulation. Dip a cotton ball in castor oil and apply it on the eyes. Massage gently for few minutes and leave it for overnight. Do it daily until you get relief from the problem.
2. Coconut Oil – The vitamin E and antioxidants in coconut oil helps to rehydrate and rejuvenate the skin. Apply melted coconut oil on the under eye area and massage gently for few minutes. Leave for overnight to hydrate the skin.
Another way is to mix a pinch of turmeric powder in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to make a paste. Apply it on the wrinkles affected areas and wait for 20 minutes to rinse off the skin. Repeat it regularly.
3. Olive Oil – It has a rich source of vitamin E & K that delays the premature aging of the skin and it also moisturizes the delicate under eye area. Apply some extra virgin olive oil to the skin and massage gently for 10 minutes. Wait for few minutes and rinse with water. Dry the skin and repeat it regularly.
Another olive oil based method is to mix lemon juice (or honey) to olive oil and stir well. Apply it under the eye area and rinse off with water after few minutes. Continue this application regularly.
4. Rosemary Oil – It is a skin friendly oil that stimulates blood circulation, reduces fine lines and increases elasticity. Apply some rosemary oil under the eyes and massage gently in mimicking a boat shape or upward stroke. Continue doing it daily to prevent the formation of wrinkles (or) simply include rosemary herb in your diet.
Remedy – 3: (Cucumber)
We already came to know that lack of moisture will cause the skin to get dry and break under pressure and thereby cause wrinkles. So, the wrinkle lines form faster under the eyes and a bit difficult to remove it.
Cucumber moisturizes the skin by adding coolness to the eyes that relieves the stress and strain of the eyes. It has high antioxidant content that hydrates the skin and boosts up the collagen and elastin levels to combat wrinkles under the eyes.
- Take a cucumber and cut it into slices.
- Refrigerate the slices and place it on the under eye area properly.
- Let it sit for about 15 – 20 minutes and take out the slices.
- Continue this cucumber application daily for few minutes to get away from skin dryness and wrinkles.
Note: Or simply mix cucumber puree in a little yogurt and apply it on the eyes. Wait for 20 minutes to rinse the area with cool water. Do it once or twice a week until you get rid of the wrinkles under the eyes.
Remedy – 4: (Avocado)
Avocados are rich in healthy fats that help to moisturize the skin and prevent wrinkles. The rich content of vitamin A & E will boost up the skin health and protects it from the harmful effect of free radicals. It increases the collagen and elastin production that prevents the appearance of wrinkles & crow’s feet.
- Take a ripe avocado and slice it off.
- Place these slices on under eye areas and leave it for about 15 – 20 minutes.
- Make sure to press the slices gently to make the natural oils from avocado seep through the skin and nourish it.
- After that, take out the slice and rinse your eyes with cold water.
- Dry the area gently and continue doing the same process regularly.
Note: Or you can simply mash an avocado into a fine paste and apply it on the under eye area. Let it sit for 20 minutes and rinse off with water to get wrinkle – free glowing skin.
Remedy – 5: (Aloe Vera)
The rich content of vitamins (E, A & C) and beta-carotene in aloe vera make it as an effective remedy for treating wrinkles in those delicate and sensitive eye areas. It moisturizes, nourishes and soothes the area to keep it soft, supple and young.
Here are few ways of using aloe vera for clearing under eye wrinkles.
- Take an aloe vera leaf and cut it to take out the aloe gel. Apply it directly on the under eye area and massage gently for few minutes. Wait for another few minutes to rinse off with water. Continue doing the same process for few times daily to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines.
- Add a pinch of turmeric powder (or raw honey) in fresh aloe vera gel and stir well. Apply it on the affected skin area and let it sit for few minutes. Rinse off with water to hydrate the skin along with enhancing the elasticity of the skin and clearing wrinkles.
- Add 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel, 1 teaspoon of yogurt and 4 teaspoons of cucumber juice in a bowl. Stir well to make a fine paste and apply it on the skin as a pack. Massage gently in circular motions for about 7 – 10 minutes. Leave for 20 minutes and wash off with water. Do it once daily to get rid of the problem.
Remedy – 6: (Ginger)
Ginger has antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties along with other essential nutrients that help to slow down the aging process by increasing blood circulation and promotes healthy skin glow. Honey used in this process will act as natural humectant and moisturizer that nourishes your eye area and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
- Mix 1 teaspoon of ginger extract in 1/2 teaspoon of raw honey.
- Stir well and apply it under the eye area by using your clean fingers.
- Massage it gently for 10 minutes and let it sit for an hour.
- Finally, rinse the skin with water and pat dry it.
- Repeat the same process in every alternate day to get relief from under eye wrinkles.
Remedy – 7: (Rose Water)
Rose water is a natural toner the help to rejuvenate the skin and tightens the skin to get relief from wrinkles and sagging skin.
- Take pure rose water and apply it on the under eye areas by using a cotton ball.
- Leave it for few minutes until dries naturally.
- Rinse with water and dry the skin gently.
- Continue doing the same process for twice daily until you get rid of wrinkles under the eyes and thereby prevents fine lines and other symptoms of wrinkles.
- Yogurt has a rich source of lactic acid and alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) that exfoliate the skin to clear dead cells and delays fine lines and wrinkles. So, mix 1 teaspoon of honey, few drops of rose water in 1 tablespoon of yogurt. Stir and apply it on the face, including under eye area. Wash the area after 20 minutes to get rid of the wrinkles.
- Even milk powder contains lactic acid which is a natural alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that enhance collagen levels. Mix 1 teaspoon of rose water in 1 tablespoon of milk powder to make a paste and apply it on the face. Rinse off with lukewarm water after 20 minutes. Dry the skin and do it regularly.
Remedy – 8: (Egg Whites)
We all know that egg whites have skin tightening property that definitely helps you in getting rid of premature skin aging and formation of wrinkles.
- Separate egg white from an egg and apply it as a layer under the eye area.
- Let it dry naturally and then rinse the area with water.
- Pat dry the skin and repeat it regularly until you get relief from wrinkles.
- Remember that not to leave the egg white mixture on the skin for a long time, as the delicate eye area get pulled too much and thereby results in loose, eye bags.
Read More on How to Treat Wrinkles using Eggs.
Remedy – 9: (Coffee Beans)
Most people love the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans but do you know that coffee is used to treat wrinkles. The fruit of the coffee plant will exhibit powerful antioxidant activity that helps to reduce the damage caused by free radicals to the skin and thereby improves wrinkles, fine lines, and overall skin appearance.
- First of all, finely ground some coffee beans to powder to prevent skin damage while applying.
- Then mix the equal amount of cocoa to this coffee bean powder.
- Stir well by adding some raw honey to it until it forms a fine paste.
- Apply it on the face, including under eye areas and let it sit for about 15 – 20 minutes.
- Rinse it off with water and pat your dry with a soft towel.
- Repeat the same process to get relief from wrinkles.
Remedy – 10: (Papaya & Honey)
Papain is a unique protein found in papaya that helps to reduce the scars and enhance the production of collagen and elastin levels in the skin. Honey helps to moisturize the skin and treat wrinkles. So, this is an excellent combination for treating wrinkles.
- Take a ripe papaya and mash it finely by adding some honey to it.
- Stir well and apply it on the eyes and all the face.
- Let it sit for about 20 – 25 minutes and rinse off with water.
- Dry the facial area and do the same process for once or twice a week until you get relief from the wrinkles or fine lines.
Note: Or carrots are high in vitamin A, beta-carotene and other antioxidants that reduce wrinkles. Boil few pieces of carrot until soft and mix with honey. Apply on the eyes and rinse after 10 minutes.
Remedy – 11: (Eye Exercises)
You can delay the formation of wrinkles on the eye area with these simple eye exercises. Perform these exercises regularly for best and effective results. Always remember that facial exercises will increase the blood circulation and produce the essential collagen and elastin required to tighten the skin.
Here are few eye exercises that used to prevent wrinkles.
- Sit in a comfortable and relaxing position and close your eyes for 2 minutes. Then open your eyes and move the eyeball in a clockwise direction for a count of 5 and then anticlockwise for 5 counts.
- Close your eyes and use your fingers to lift and stretch both the upper and lower eyelids simultaneously as far as possible without opening the eyes. Make sure to hold this pose for 5 seconds, relax and repeat it for 5 – 8 times.
Tips and Precautions:
- Resveratrol is a unique antioxidant found in grape skin that helps to delay the formation of wrinkles on the eye area. Mash 5 grapes and add it to yogurt (or honey) and apply it on the face. Rinse off with lukewarm water after few minutes to reveal a refreshing and rejuvenating face.
- Wash your eyes and face with cool water to slow down the aging process by improving blood circulation. But remember that the water should be cool, not cold or else it hurt the capillaries in the skin.
- Drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids to keep skin hydrated and thereby delays the formation of wrinkles on the face, especially under the eyes.
- Application of fenugreek paste (mashed fenugreek leaves with some water) on and around the eye area will definitely help you to get rid of wrinkles. Make sure that not to leave the paste more than 10 -1 5 minutes.
- The vitamin E and omega – 3 fatty acids in almonds will help to protect the skin from premature aging. Simply have almonds as your perfect snack between the meals (OR) apply almond oil at night before bedtime to the wrinkles affected areas and leave for overnight.
- Regularly apply sunscreen (or eye cream) infused with SPF 15 or SPF 30 which helps to prevent the formation of wrinkles all around the eye area due to the exposure to harsh sun rays. Or simply wear sunglasses to prevent squinting due to UV rays and also to protect your vision.
- Always remember that applying moisturizer at cold season or for dry skin is not the right thing. Our skin needs to be moisturized regularly to repair and rejuvenate it.
- Consume a healthy diet (fresh fruits and vegetables) that is rich in vitamins (C, A & E), beta-carotene, omega – 3 fatty acids, antioxidant rich foods to maintain proper collagen levels and thus to keep the skin healthy and vibrant.
- Placing the convex side of a chilled metal spoon under the eye area will help to tighten the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles or fine lines on the eye area.
- Get a proper sleep of at least 7 hours daily to relax your eyes and to prevent the formation of wrinkles under the eye area.
Final Word:
Hope you’ll give a trial to these natural remedies for treating under eye wrinkles. Do you know any other successful natural remedies for clearing eye wrinkles? Then share your experience with us in the below comments box.
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