When the body finds a specific allergen immunoglobulin E (IgE) that controls the hyperactivity of white blood cells and thus results in the form of allergic and inflammatory responses. So, allergy is defined as a type of hypersensitivity that caused due to the extreme reaction of the immune system.
There are many triggers of allergies like food, pet dander, smoke, medicines, seasonal allergens (like yeasts, weeds, grasses, pollens), etc. will activate the release of histamines into the bloodstream and thereby result in this allergic reactions.
Hives, sneezing, itchy eyes, wheezing, skin rashes, runny nose, throat pain, etc. are some symptoms caused due to allergies. Always remember that don’t delay the treatment for allergies, as it results in anaphylaxis (a severe and life-threatening allergic reaction).
Are you tired of using OTC medications? Looking for effective natural ways to treat your allergy? Then turmeric will be first and best option for treating allergy and its symptoms.
How Does Turmeric Works for Allergies?
Turmeric is a golden spice that widely used in Indian Ayurveda for treating many health and skin problems, including allergies.
Here we will know about the benefits of turmeric for treating allergies.
- The curcumin in turmeric will act as a decongestant and thus helps in treating various symptoms of allergies.
- It has natural antihistamine property that reduces the release of histamines in the blood/body and thus lessens the allergic reaction.
- It exhibits antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which help to treat allergies by reducing certain symptoms that accompanied with allergies.
- Regular usage of turmeric will definitely help you in protecting against the frequent attacks of allergies or its reaction on the body.
- When turmeric mixed with other effective herbs like Boswellia or licorice root then the curcumin in turmeric will help to relieve you from these immunological reactions and thus clears allergies.
- It is an effective remedy for treating both acute and chronic allergies and you can use it several times till you get relief from these allergies and its symptoms.
- Leukotriene is a form of allergy that leads to bronchial asthma and other lung problems. The usage of turmeric will inhibit this leukotriene naturally.
How to use Turmeric for Allergies:
There are many ways of using turmeric for treating allergies and its symptoms but here we will know about some best ways on how to get rid of allergies with turmeric herb.
Method – 1: (Turmeric Powder)
Make sure to use 100% pure organic turmeric powder for treating an allergic reaction. Here are some only turmeric methods that give you relief from the allergies.
Turmeric Water – Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder in 8 oz glass of water. Stir well and drink this water regularly.
Turmeric Tea – Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons each of turmeric powder and raw honey in 1 cup of warm water. Stir well and drink this warm turmeric tea regularly to get rid of seasonal allergies.
Turmeric/Golden Milk – This milk treat allergies and itchy throat. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder, a pinch of black pepper and honey to 1 cup of boiled milk. Stir well and drink this milk on an empty stomach in the morning or at night before bedtime.
Turmeric Powder – Include turmeric powder in your daily diet like curries, rice items, fries, salads, etc. to strengthen your immune system and thereby to get relief from allergic reactions.
Turmeric Paste – Pour 1/2 cup of turmeric powder and 1 cup of water in a saucepan placed over the stove. Stir for few minutes till they mixed properly and boiled and then simmer it until the paste thickens. Let it cool and refrigerate the mix by storing in a container. Consume it regularly by adding it in any fruit juice or healthy liquids.
Method – 2: (Turmeric with Honey)
Honey will soothe the infected areas and turmeric will provide antibacterial and antihistamine property. So, this combination is very effective in reducing the allergic reactions.
- Mix 4 tablespoons of powdered turmeric and 6 tablespoons of raw honey in a bowl
- Stir well till it forms a fine paste.
- Then consume 1 teaspoon of this mix to get rid of the problem.
- Store the remaining mix in a clean jar for regular usage.
- For best results, consume this mix for 2 – 3 times daily.
- This mix helps to remove excess mucus, heals respiratory tissue and thereby clears allergic reaction.
Note: Or pour 1 teaspoon of turmeric juice and 2 tablespoons of raw honey in a bowl. Stir well and consume a spoonful of this mix regularly till you get complete relief from allergies.
Method – 3: (Turmeric with Olive Oil and Water)
The hydroxytyrosol in olive oil extract will help to combat allergy reaction, as they act as antihistamines to block the histamine receptors.
- Mix 1 – 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder and 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil in 1 glass of water.
- Now add a pinch of black pepper powder and stir well.
- Consume it daily to get rid of seasonal allergies and asthma related problems.
Method – 4: (Turmeric Topical Application)
This method is widely used to treat swelling on the face that caused due to allergies. Here sandalwood helps to soothe the irritated skin and turmeric will combat the allergic reactions.
- Mix equal parts of red sandalwood and turmeric powder in a bowl by adding enough water.
- Stir well till it forms a fine paste and apply it on the face gently with your hands.
- Wait for 30 – 40 minutes and wash the face with lukewarm water.
- Regular application of this turmeric – sandalwood paste will help to soothe the red, swelling and irritated skin.
Method – 5: (Turmeric with Lemon and Honey)
This combinational process helps to treat sinus and also relieves your pain due to the anti-inflammatory properties.
- Blend 2 big pieces of turmeric root to make turmeric powder and pour it into a bowl.
- Then add fresh lemon juice squeezed from a lemon and 1 tablespoon of raw honey, pinch of cayenne pepper and some water to it.
- Stir well to prepare a turmeric smoothie and drink it regularly to clear allergies (sinus allergies).
Tips and Precautions:
- Take turmeric supplements like pills or capsules for treating seasonal allergies. You have to consult your doctor before taking these capsules for treating any health, beauty or skin problems. The suggested dosage will be 500 mg of turmeric capsules for once daily till you get relief from the problem.
- Make sure to check that you are not allergic to this turmeric spice before using this spice as a natural allergic treatment.
- If you suffer from lactose intolerance (allergic to dairy products) then you can substitute milk with soy milk and consume it.
- The black pepper will enhance the properties of turmeric and the absorption of curcumin into the body. So, you have to sprinkle some black pepper on each turmeric recipes to increase its effectiveness.
- Turmeric has a common drawback of staining both clothes and body. So, be careful while applying or using these turmeric methods.
- The US FDA has not regulated this herbal remedy for treating allergies but most people believe it as a best natural remedy for allergies. So, if you didn’t get any relief then immediately consult your doctor for proper diagnose and treatment.
- Consume foods which are rich in vitamins (B5, C & E), omega – 3 & 6 fatty acids, bromelain, cod liver oil, zinc, etc. to reduce the allergic reactions.
- Drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins from the body and to get rid of allergies.
- Quit smoking and drinking alcohol for lessening the attacks of allergies.
- Run a humidifier and prevent outdoors (when it is windy, sunny or pollen), take a good shower after going from outside and wear a wide-brimmed hat along with sunglasses to prevent the pollen from blowing into the eyes.
- Clean your pets regularly to prevent the fall of its dander which in turn avoid the allergic reaction.
Try these turmeric methods to get rid of allergic reaction in the body. Do you know any other successful turmeric methods for allergies? Then share it with us in the below comments box.
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