Nothing can be more attractive than healthy and long hair.
But almost 7 out of 10 people are suffering from hair related problems such as hair fall, dandruff, scalp infections, spilt ends etc.
The major reasons for these problems are blocked hair follicles and reduced production of keratin. Usually this occurs due to the environmental pollutants, frequent usage of cosmetics, improper life style, poor diet etc. So, in order to grow healthy hair it is necessary to concentrate on the scalp and follicles.
So, when it comes to hair related problems tea tree oil is considered as boon for hair growth.
Tea tree oil has amazing properties that removes all the dirt from the scalp and helps in natural production of keratin. Thus, it helps in promoting hair growth and is best remedy to treat all the hair problems.
Follow the below mentioned methods regularly and obtain healthy and shiny hair. But make sure you follow all the steps properly.
Benefits of tea tree oil for hair growth:
The anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties of tea tree oil kill the fungus and helps in maintaining healthy scalp.
Tea tree oil removes all the dirt and cleans the scalp. It also opens the hair follicles and helps in hair growth.
The excessive oil production from the sebaceous gland leads to oily scalp and hair. Tea tree oil balances the oil production and helps in unclogging the pores. So, it is beneficial for both oily and dry scalp.
Tea tree oil provides nourishment to the hair roots and makes the hair stronger and healthier.
Top 8 easiest ways to use tea tree oil for hair growth:
Method 01: Tea tree oil massage:
Tea tree oil massaging is one of the best methods used for hair growth. This oil unclogs the hair follicles and provides nourishment to the hair roots. Massaging with tea tree oil promotes blood flow in the scalp and acts as an anti-inflammatory substance. This is also helpful is getting rid of dandruff, itchy scalp and dryness.
- Tea tree oil
How to use?
- Just pour some 3-4 drops of tea tree oil on your palm.
- Now, massage your scalp using your finger tips.
- Massage thoroughly and leave for about 10-15 minutes.
- Then, rinse your hair using tea tree oil shampoo.
- You can repeat the procedure for healthy growth of hair.
Alternative method:
- You can combine the tea tree oil with coconut oil, almond oil or jojoba oil as carrier oil. Add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil into 4 tablespoons of other oils.
- By diluting the tea tree oil in water you can directly apply it onto the scalp using cotton.
Method 02: Tea tree shampoo:
Tea tree shampoos are helpful in removing the dandruff, head lice and various hair problems. These shampoos are also used in treating hair fall and hair re-growth treatments. Thus, they are helpful in long growth of hair.
How to use?
- Take few drops of tea tree oil and add them into shampoo.
- Mix it thoroughly and apply it on your wet hair.
- Leave it for 10 minutes and then, you can rinse thoroughly.
- For best results you can use this regularly.
Alternative methods:
- You can purchase any shampoo with tea tree oil in it so that it can work as conditioner also.
- You can just mix tea tree oil with water and pour this mixture into an empty spray bottle. Now, spray it on your scalp and leave for 15 minutes by covering with a towel. Then, rinse off your hair with lukewarm water.
Method 03: Tea tree oil and olive oil:
Olive oil has various health benefits and is equally helpful in growth of hair. It has properties that help in repairing the damaged hair, dandruff, fungus and dry scalp problems. Olive oil enhances thickness to the hair and also provides shine.
- ½ or 1 cup olive oil
- 2-4 drops tea tree oil
How to use?
- Take a cup of olive oil and warm it slightly.
- Now, add 2-4 cups of tea tree oil to it and stir well.
- Apply it all over your scalp and massage gently for some time.
- Leave it untouched for 30 minutes or you can also leave overnight.
- Then, wash it by using water along with some mild natural shampoo.
- You can get results by using continuously for a month or two.
Method 04: Tea tree oil and castor oil:
Castor oil is beneficial in providing moisturization and nourishment to the hair. It is also helpful in removing the dandruff and thickening of hair. Combination of castor oil with tea tree oil provides extra benefits to hair and provides long and healthy hair.
- 4-6 drops tea tree oil
- 3 tablespoons castor oil
- 1 tablespoon jojoba oil
- 1-2 tablespoons coconut oil
How to use?
- Take a bowl and add all the above mentioned ingredients into it.
- Stir it thoroughly and pour it into a glass jar.
- Apply it on the scalp and massage for 5-10 minutes.
- Leave it overnight and other day you can use egg, conditioner to remove the oil.
- Then, rinse off using water and some mild natural shampoo.
- For best results use it 2-3 times per week.
Method 05: Tea tree oil and yogurt:
Yogurt has good bacteria that moisturize the skin and scalp. The protein present in yogurt promotes hair growth. Avocado is rich in vitamin B and E that provides nourishment to the hair and hair follicles. Honey is helpful in soothing the dry and flaky scalp.
- 1 cup plain yogurt
- 1 avocado properly mashed
- 4-6 drops of tea tree oil
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 7-9 drops of argan oil
How to use?
- Take a bowl and blend the yogurt to gain proper consistency.
- Now, add all the other ingredients and stir well to form a thick paste.
- Apply this paste on the wet hair and scalp and leave for about 20-25 minutes.
- Then, wash it using mild shampoo and water.
- You can use this method once in a week to obtain healthy and long hair.
Method 06: Tea tree oil with Apple cider vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar contains acid in it, which is helpful in balancing the pH level of the scalp. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that destroys and prevents the growth of fungus, bacteria, lice etc and provides protection to scalp. It provides moisturization and improves the blood flow in the scalp and enhances hair growth.
- 4-5 drops tea tree oil
- ½ or 1 cup of apple cider vinegar
- 1 cup water
How to use?
- Take a small sized bowl and add both the ingredients to it.
- Apply this mixture to your hair after shampooing.
- Leave for 5 minutes and then rinse again with water and natural shampoo.
- This method is best for thickening and growth of hair.
Method 07: Aloevera gel and tea tree oil:
Aloevera has antibacterial, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that protect the scalp from dandruff, lice and fungus. It is also helpful in repairing the damaged follicles or hair. Mixing aloevera gel and tea tree oil helps in opening the clogged pores and allows the nutrients to penetrate deep into the scalp and enhance growth of hair. it is also helpful in balancing the pH level of the scalp and restore the strength in follicles.
- 3-4 drops of tea tree oil
- ½ cup aloevera gel
- ½ or 1 cup of water
How to use?
- Add all the ingredients into a bowl and mix thoroughly to make a thick paste.
- Now, apply this on your scalp and leave it undisturbed for half an hour.
- Then, wash your hair by using shampoo.
- Regular usage of this method is better for hair growth.
Method 08: Tea tree oil with chamomile oil:
Chamomile has various benefits for hair because it avoids hair fall, removes dandruff and etc. but the special property of chamomile oil is it prevents inflammation of hair follicles. It is also helpful in providing soothing effect to your dry scalp and provides strength to your hair.
The anti-microbial and antiviral property of chamomile is helpful in killing the infection causing fungus. Thus, it provides proper environment for healthy growth of hair.
- 20-25 ml of tea tree oil
- 2 bags of chamomile tea
- 50 gms soda
- 250 ml of water
How to use?
- Take a bowl and boil water for 5 minutes. Once it starts to form bubbles then turn off the heat supply.
- Now, add chamomile tea bags and leave them for 5 minutes.
- Afterwards remove the tea bags and put the soda to it and stir properly.
- Once, the liquid cools down and comes to warm level then add tea tree oil to it.
- For storage you can put it in a container preferably glass.
- Apply this liquid on your scalp and leave for about 5-10 minutes.
- Then, wash it using your regular shampoo and warm water.
Some added benefits of tea tree oil:
- Tea tree oil has antiseptic property so, you can use it in treating the wounds or cuts on your body. It acts as a barrier to avoid germs from entering your body.
- This tea tree oil is helpful in treating various skin infections such as candida and herpes sores. It is also beneficial in getting rid of all the viruses and bacteria that cause infection such as acne, pimples etc. The anti-biotic property of the tea tree oil kills the bacteria and removes the acne scars.
- If you have canker sores then, you can add a drop of tea tree oil to your regular mouthwash and use it. It destroys the bacteria and also helps in maintaining healthy gums.
- You can make use of tea tree oil if you have major scalp problems such as eczema, psoriasis etc.
Tips and precautions before using tea tree oil for hair growth:
- Before using tea tree oil you should do a patch test on your scalp because few people may experience some allergies and burning sensation. It is always safer to dilute the oil by mixing it with water before using.
- Tea tree oil is made only for outer usages so, do not take it internally. It causes severe problems and sometimes leads to coma or death.
- Regular usage of this oil is also harmful to scalp as it may cause redness, itching and irritation.
- Apart from using tea tree oil methods, you must have a regular diet, efficient sleeping hours and try to avoid cosmetics on your hair.
- Using tea tree oil on the children under age 5 is strictly prohibited.
- Make sure you wash your hair thoroughly after using tea tree oil on your scalp. Leaving it for long time more than 2 hours can be dangerous.
- Tea tree oil is highly toxic to pets so, keep them away when you are using it. Try to keep the bottles away from children and pets.
- If you are a pregnant or nursing woman then, tea tree oil is surely not for you. If you want to use it then, consult your doctor using it.
Frequently asked question:
Can i leave tea tree oil overnight on my hair?
Tea tree oil highly concentrated and if it is diluted or combined with water or other oils such as coconut oil, almond oil or jojoba oil then, you can leave it overnight. The composition must be like for 1 cup of coconut oil add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil.
If you are using it directly on the scalp then, it is better to wash it off in a hour or less than that.
Is tea tree oil good for hair loss?
Tea tree oil provides benefits for hair and scalp in various different ways. It removes the dead skin cells from scalp and destroys the fungus and bacteria that are responsible for hair fall. Tea tree oil provides healthy environment for proper growth of hair.
What happens if i use tea tree oil alone?
Tea tree oil is very strong and harmful to use directly on skin because it causes irritation in scalp and make hair follicles swell, which leads to hair fall. So, it advised to add a base oil to it when you are using it as a treatment.
Can i use tea tree oil for eczema treatment?
Tea tree oil has anti-biotic, anti-septic and anti-fungal properties that kill off the bacteria and germs which cause scalp infection. So, tea tree oil can be one of the best remedies for treatment of eczema.
Is tea tree oil beneficial for oily hair?
Tea tree oil unclogs the hair follicles and balances the oil production in the scalp. Thus, it will help in maintaining healthy scalp and hair. So, tea tree oil is beneficial for oily hair also.
Tea tree oil is very much helpful in getting long and healthy hair. So, follow these methods regularly that are helpful in hair growth. If you know any other methods please share it in the comment section below.
If you have any doubts please write to us in the comment section. Our team of experts will clarify them as soon as possible.
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