Are you still wasting money on hair care products and not getting the expected results?
Starting from teenagers to oldies every person has a dream of having long and healthy hair.
But majority of the people are facing hair related problems such as hair fall, dandruff, fungal infection etc. which may occur due to the unhealthy food, pollution or low maintenance.
To overcome these problems 8 out of 10 people use the artificial products available in the market. These products are full of chemicals and can be harmful to your hair.
So, neem oil is considered as best option to treat all the hair and scalp related problems.
Neem oil is rich in vitamin E that enhances the growth of hair and it removes the excessive sebum from the scalp to unblock the hair follicles. This protects scalp from various bacterial infections. The anti inflammatory properties helps in preventing the inflammation of the scalp.
Now, let us look at the different methods of using neem oil for hair care. Follow these methods regularly to obtain the effective results quickly.
Benefits of Neem Oil:
Neem oil improves hair growth:
Neem oil is rich in fatty acids and anti oxidants that are capable of promoting hair growth. Other than that neem oil has various benefits such as it provides strength to the hair and protects your hair by preventing the blockage of follicles.
Provides healthy scalp:
Maintaining a clean and healthy scalp is the key for long and beautiful hair. So, neem oil removes the excess oil from the scalp and unclogs the hair follicles. This helps in maintaining a healthy scalp for hair growth. The anti fungal and anti inflammatory properties of neem oil kills the bacteria and avoids inflammation of the scalp.
Removes dandruff:
The anti-fungal property of neem is useful in fighting against the candida fungus that is responsible for dandruff. Thus, neem oil removes the dandruff and regular usage of neem oil prevents dandruff completely by balancing the pH level of scalp.
Avoids premature greying of hair:
The nutrients and proteins present in the hair are beneficial for hair and scalp. They also prevent the premature greying of hair and provide black hair for long time.
Fights against eczema:
Neem oil is helpful in treating the eczema where scalp is completely dry and itchy. The fatty acid present in the neem oil penetrates deep into the scalp and helps in restoring the moisture in the scalp and hair. It also provides soothing and calming effect by reducing the itchiness of the scalp.
Prevents split ends:
Neem oil has a special property of healing the damaged hair so; neem oil when applied regularly to hair prevents split ends.
Gets rid of hair lice:
Neem oil has azardirachtin, which kills the lice and stops their reproduction. The bitter taste and strong smell of neem oil will make lice to move out from the hair. so, to completely get rid of lice you can keep it overnight on your head. Next day morning you can comb and remove all the lice.
Preparation of Neem oil at home:
Rather than purchasing neem oil from the stores we can prepare it easily in the home using fresh neem leaves and coconut oil.
Required ingredients:
- Neem leaves
- ½ cup virgin coconut oil
- Water
Method of preparation…..
- Take some neem leaves and wash them properly with water.
- Now take a jar and put all the leaves inside it to blend properly to form a thick paste.
- Then, take a double boiler and pour virgin coconut oil into it.
- You can heat the oil till it melts down completely.
- Take 4-5 tablespoons of thick paste of neem leaves.
- Mix it well and heat for 10-15 minutes.
- Now, you can observe the colour of the oil is changing to dark green.
- Once colour changes completely switch of the heat.
- Allow it to cool down and apply directly to hair.
Top 5 methods of using neem oil for hair growth:
1st method: Neem oil and coconut oil
Coconut oil improves hair growth by going deep inside the hair follicles. It has anti bacterial, anti viral and antifungal properties which protects scalp from any fungal infections. Coconut oil combined with neem oil provides tons of benefits to hair and makes them thicker and shiner. They also contribute in eliminating hair breakage, dandruff and hair fall.
Required ingredients:
- 3 tablespoons neem oil
- 3 tablespoons coconut oil
Method of preparation…..
- First take a small bowl and add equal amounts of neem oil and coconut oil into it.
- Now, take a sauce pan and add hot water to it.
- Keep the oil bowl inside the pan till the oil warms up.
- Then, using your finger tips massage the scalp gently for 10 minutes.
- Take a shower cap and put it to cover the entire hair.
- Allow it to sit for about 6-7 hours or overnight till your scalp absorbs all the oil.
- Rinse it off thoroughly by using shampoo.
- For best results you can use this method two times in week.
2nd method: Neem oil and sea salt
Sea salt is also beneficial in improving the hair, the application of the sea salt helps in proper blood circulation in the scalp. So, massaging sea salt with neem oil helps in stimulating hair follicles for the better growth of hair.
Required ingredients:
- 2 tablespoons neem oil
- 1 tablespoon sea salt
- Small bowl
- Shower cap
Method of using…..
- Take a small bowl and add neem oil along with sea salt to it.
- Mix it well and apply directly on to the scalp.
- Massage gently for 10 minutes and leave it untouched for 30 minutes.
- Then, rinse it off thoroughly using some mild shampoo.
- You can repeat it once in a week for improvement of hair growth.
3rd method: Neem oil and aloevera gel
Aloevera has lot of properties that fights against bacteria and keeps scalp free from infections and dandruff. It also enhances the growth of hair and reduces dandruff. Neem oil and aloevera gel together can be very beneficial for your hair.
Required ingredients:
- 3-4 tablespoons aloevera gel
- 4-5 tablespoons neem oil
Method of using…..
- Comb your hair properly before using this method.
- Apply aloevera gel on the scalp to the length of the hair.
- After 5 minutes take neem oil on your palm and massage gently using your finger tips.
- Wear a shower cap to cover the hair and leave overnight.
- Next day morning you can wash it using some mild shampoo.
4th method: (Neem oil with fenugreek seeds)
Fenugreek seeds have high amount of proteins that improves hair growth and strengthens the hair. Fenugreek seeds paste is usually used as one of the best home remedies to get rid of dandruff.
Required Ingredients:
- ½ cup neem oil
- 2 teaspoons fenugreek powder
Method of using…..
- Take a small bowl and pour ½ cup of neem oil and 2 teaspoons of fenugreek powder.
- Mix thoroughly and heat the oil just to warm up.
- Now, turn off the heat and allow the oil to cool down.
- Then, take few drops of oil on your palm and massage thoroughly onto your scalp.
- Leave it for 2-3 hours and wash using some mild shampoo.
5th method: (Hibiscus flower and Neem oil)
Hibiscus leaves and flower both have various benefits; they contain vitamin C that improves the production of collagen. This is helpful in the growth of hair and provides thickness to the hair.
Required Ingredients:
- 1 hibiscus flower
- 4-5 tablespoons nee oil
Using method…..
- Take a hibiscus flower (dried or fresh) and crush it completely.
- In a bowl, put neem oil and mix it with the hibiscus flower crush.
- Heat this oil on a medium flame for 3-4 seconds.
- Then turn off the flame and allow it to soak down for about 1 hour.
- Afterwards you can massage this oil on your scalp as well as complete length of the hair.
- Rinse off after 1 hour using a natural or some mild shampoo.
Tips and precautions:
- Neem oil has a very strong smell which may not be liked by anyone so, to avoid that you can put 2-3 drops of essential oil to it.
- Before applying anything to your scalp it is better to do a patch test for checking out any kind of irritation or allergies.
- Do no store neem oil in cool places as it may solidify so, you can keep it in some normal temperature.
- For long and healthy hair you can also follow some diet and do some regular exercises.
- Usually the regular usage of neem oil may show effective results in just 1 or 2 months. However, they may vary from person to person depending on his health.
- It is also safer to prepare neem oil in home rather than purchasing it from outside because it may be altered and addition of other substances can sometimes cause hair fall.
- It is recommended to use neem oil only for external applications because there is no safe evidence for consuming it internally.
Frequently asked questions:
- Can i use neem powder in combination with coconut oil?
Yes, neem powder has lots of benefits which fights against the eczema, dandruff and improves hair growth. So, combination of neem powder and coconut oil results in promoting the hair growth of hair.
- Will neem oil regrow hair?
Neem oil is useful in improving the hair growth and it eliminates the excess oil from the sebum and maintains good scalp. Thus, this leads to growth of hair.
- Can i use neem tea for washing my hair?
Yes, you can use neem tea for getting of frizzy hair. Take 10-12 leaves of neem and boil it in 2 cups of water. Continue boiling for about 15-20 minutes. Allow it to coo, down completely. For best results add a teaspoon of honey and rinse your hair using this mixture.
- Can i use neem oil for dry scalp?
Neem oil has various benefits and you can use it by mixing it with the coconut oil. This soothes the scalp and prevents itching or redness occurring due to dry scalp.
Neem oil is a product with numerous benefits that are helpful in treatment of hair related problems. Applying neem hair regularly has shown positive results among most of the people.
Please let us know how your experience was by using these methods. If you have any doubts you can write to us in the comment section below. Our team of experts will clarify them as soon as possible.
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