The liver is one of the hardest working organs in the body that carries out more than 500 functions and purifies the blood. It removes toxins, heavy metals, harmful chemicals and hormones from the body. But excess pressure on the liver can make it sluggish and slow down the purification process.
A liver cleanse using a liver detoxifier smoothie helps to boost the function of the liver. This smoothie makes use of fresh carrots, beetroot, parsley, celery, oranges and lemons all of which help to boost the function of the liver and flush out toxins from the system by increasing urination.
Carrots are one of the best sources of carotenoids known as beta-carotene that help to maintain liver health. Carotenoids stimulate bile flow and boost waste removal. Beta-carotene also prevents liver damage caused by alcohol.
Insoluble fiber present in carrots moves the stool through the digestive system and prevents the toxins from the stool from entering the liver. Soluble fiber reduces the amount of fat deposited in the liver and prevents liver damage. Vitamin C and vitamin E present in carrots act as antioxidants that protect the liver cells against free radical damage.
Beetroot is a high-antioxidant vegetable that contains a unique antioxidant called betaine. This antioxidant eliminates toxins from the liver cells. Betaine also protects the bile ducts which is essential for healthy functioning of the liver.
Betalains present in beets have powerful anti-inflammatory properties that boost the detoxification process of the liver. Pectin, a type of soluble fiber present in beets clear out the toxins that have been already removed by the liver so that they are not reabsorbed into the body.
Parley is a potent natural diuretic that helps to remove toxic chemicals and heavy metals from the system by increasing urination. Parsley contains a wide array of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and chlorophyll that aids liver detoxification.
Flavonoid apigenin found in parsley reduces the risk of certain types of cancer such as breast cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, digestive tract cancer, etc. Volatile oil eugenol present in parsley reduces inflammation and helps to relieve the pain and swelling associated with arthritis.
Celery helps to protect the liver by reducing the amount of dangerous fat build-up within the liver. Parsley also improves the function of liver enzymes and blood lipid levels and reduces the risk of liver disease. The antioxidants and polysaccharides present in celery protect the liver cells against free radical damage.
Both lemons and oranges are potent sources of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that is required for the production of glutathione. Glutathione has the capacity to neutralize toxins and promote liver detoxification. The acids present in lemon and orange juice boost the production of enzymes and bile by the liver which improves the efficiency of the liver and speeds up the detoxification process.
Here is the recipe…
- Carrot – 2
- Beetroot – 1
- Parsley – ½ cup
- Celery – 2 sticks
- Orange – 1
- Lemons – 2
- Chop carrot, beetroot, celery, and parsley.
- Freshly squeeze out the lemon juice and peel the orange.
- Then toss carrot pieces, parsley, and orange in the blender.
- Pour beetroot pieces, celery and lemon juice in the blender.
- Blend all these ingredients at high speed until smooth.
- Drink this tasty and healthy smoothie to detoxify your liver and aid in its proper functioning for overall health.
- Regular intake of this smoothie will promote your health and make your fit and healthy.
This is a wholesome and healthy liver detox smoothie that can be consumed as a breakfast replacement. It is a 100% vegan smoothie that does not contain any dairy products or milk.
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