Did you wake up with puffy or tired eyes in the morning? We don’t have enough time to take care of our health and beauty in this modern world. We spend most of the time by working on laptops, systems, digital gadgets, televisions, mobile phones, etc.
Almost everyone will experience these puffy eyes for at least once in their life time. In general, these puffy eyes are caused by lack of sleep, dehydration, aging, genetics, stress, allergic reactions, over the consumption of salt, prolonged crying, etc.
At times it may be a symptom of any serious underlying health problem. So, people with puffy eyes are generally looking dull, tired, wrinkled and unhealthy. It is mostly considered as a cosmetic beauty problem and there are many foundations, concealers, and other eye make-ups available to cover these puffy eyes.
Although there are many natural home remedies help you in dealing with these puffy eyes but do you know there is a special remedy which is mostly used by models or celebrities to get rid of their puffy eyes.
Wondering what it is? It’s none other than Hemorrhoid Cream. Shocking? Isn’t it.
The main reason is that hemorrhoid creams helps the blood vessels to constrict and thereby clears your puffy or swollen eyes. Most of us still thinking is this hemorrhoid cream good and safe for puffy eyes or eye bags? Here in this article, we will explain you in detail on can we use hemorrhoid cream for puffy eyes, does this cream work to relieve puffy eyes and how to use this hemorrhoid cream for puffy eyes.
Hemorrhoid Cream for Puffy Eyes:
To clear your under eye bags by using a hemorrhoid cream within a short period of time without any side effects, you have to go through this article and follow it to relieve your puffy eyes.
Let’s get started…
Is Hemorrhoid Cream Good for Puffy Eyes?
The main ingredient in hemorrhoid cream is the Preparation H that works for puffy eyes and eye bags. This cream contains vasoconstrictors that help to shrink the blood vessels and acts as the best treatment to relieve swollen tissues.
In emergency situations like attending major events, individuals on the red carpet, models or celebrities then the usage of hemorrhoid creams will shrink veins, tightens the skin and close the pores. This cream will give an instant lift and make you ready at any time.
How to Use Hemorrhoid Cream for Puffy Eyes and Eye Wrinkles?
Most of the people don’t like using hemorrhoid cream for eye puffiness, under eye bags and eye wrinkles but it can be used to help you in getting rid of these puffy eyes quickly. Here is the process that explains to you how to use hemorrhoid cream for puffy eyes or under eye bags along with wrinkles.
- Rinse the face with lukewarm water and pat dry the skin to increase absorption levels.
- Wrap a few ice cubes in a thin towel and place it under the eyes as a cold compress where you’re suffering from puffy eyes.
- This cold compress will minimize any swelling on the eyes.
- Take the best hemorrhoid cream and apply it on the puffy eyes in a thin layer.
- Massage gently and wipe off the excess cream from the skin by using a tissue paper or soft towel.
- Leave it for few minutes and wipe the skin.
- Be sure that not to rinse off the cream after application.
- In case, if the smell of the cream is too strong for you then simply mix it with your moisturizer and apply it on the puffy eyes.
- Limit the usage of this cream for only a few emergency situations.
Note: Also, for effective results, apply this cream at night before bedtime by cleansing your face to remove oil, dirt and cosmetic products (if used) for easy penetration of the cream into the skin (also there is no need to use makeup over the face).
Side Effects of using Hemorrhoid cream for Puffy Eyes:
- The under eye area is very sensitive so make sure that the creams contain components which would migrate into your eyes and causes irritation and thereby worsens the puffiness. Remember that when used this cream for a long time then the area will develop resistance and quitting its use will see a rebound of puffiness.
- The usage of hemorrhoid cream for puffy eyes will cause dehydrating which makes you not to use this cream for puffy eyes.
- Before application of hemorrhoid cream to get rid of bags under eyes, you have to test it on a small patch of the skin and leave for 15 minutes to check whether it causing any irritation or general discomfort on the skin or not and then proceed to apply on the skin.
- During the time of usage, it is important to be careful for not to let the cream get into the eyes. If unfortunately gets into the eyes then immediately get medical intervention to get rid of irritation in the eyes.
- However for a question ‘can you use hemorrhoid cream under the eyes?’ is not definite and it is recommended to get rid of eye puffiness, especially in an emergency situation but not for a longer term.
- Always remember that the usage of these creams have to be limited to a few emergency times but not for continuous usage, as it will provide more harm than relieving your problem. These creams will contain cortisol which has to be avoided as it tends to the thin skin and damages the skin around the eyes.
- However, the difference in results (either working or not working) will be caused by specific ingredients in the cream. In olden days, they used a live yeast cell derivative in which the FDA instructed to remove this compound and use Phenylephrine HCI instead of this live yeast as the main ingredient in hemorrhoid cream. It causes irritation to the eyes that result in the formation of rashes, redness, and swelling. So, prefer to use plant-based hemorrhoid treatments which has natural ingredients like chamomile and witch hazel to reduce swelling.
- Use only a little amount to prevent people offending you with its odor of the cream.
Other than usage of hemorrhoid cream, you have to drink plenty of water (other healthy fluids), consume a healthy and well balanced diet, get enough sound sleep, avoid salty foods in diet, prefer fresh fruits and vegetables, apply cold compress, etc. on the affected eye area to get rid of the problem.
Final Word:
Remember that some people will get results effectively but for others don’t see any effect on their eye bags. Make sure to use this cream with caution and should not be used frequently. To grab best results, use hemorrhoid creams that have natural ingredients to reduce swelling and bags under eyes with its anti-swelling properties.
Hope this cream will cure your puffy eyes problem. Do you have any experience of using this hemorrhoid cream in treating under eye bags? Then share it with us in the below comments box.
For long-term and natural relief, try these Home Remedies to get rid of Bags under Eyes and Puffy Eyes Naturally.
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