Due to the build up of cholesterol particles, calcium deposits, bilirubin, concentration of bile and other substances in the gallbladder will result as gallstones. These are tiny stones that vary from size, density, shape and severity of symptoms and also vary from one to another.
Women are more prone to these gall stones. Aging (above 40 years), overweight or obese, pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, genetics, poor diet, liver problems, lack of physical activity, diabetes, losing weight too quickly, fasting, intake of a high-fat diet, etc. are some other reasons or risk factors of gall stones.
Gallstones cannot be detected easily and it exhibits symptoms like back pain, sudden or severe pain in the right side of your abdomen, vomiting, chills, bloated, nausea, indigestion, clay-colored stools, yellowing of eyes or skin, etc.
Consult your doctor for proper diagnose and treatment and follow the natural home remedies as an adjunct treatment to dissolve gallstones without going for surgery.
Home Remedies for Gallstones:
Here are the natural remedies which help you in dissolving the gallstones. Also, do small changes in your diet and lifestyles for getting rid of pain and stones in your gallbladder.
Remedy – 1: (Apple Cider Vinegar)
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has malic and other acids that help to soften up the gallstones and remove it from the bladder. It inhibits the liver from making cholesterol to prevent the problem. It also alleviates your pain along with dissolving gallstones.
- Add 1 tablespoon of ACV in 1 glass of apple juice and stir well.
- Drink it to ease your pain within 15 minutes.
- Regular intake will help to dissolve the gallstones.
Note: Or mix 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of ACV into 1 glass of warm water. Drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. Repeat it daily.
Remedy – 2: (Dandelion)
Dandelion herb has taraxacin that helps in proper bile excretion from the liver. It also detoxifies the liver and metabolizes the fat accumulated in the liver. It aids in proper functioning of your gallbladder to prevent the formation of stones.
- Add 1 teaspoon of dried dandelion root in 1 cup of hot water.
- Cover it and allow it to steep for 5 – 7 minutes.
- Strain it and drink this dandelion tea by mixing some honey in it.
- Continue the intake of dandelion tea for 2 – 3 times daily till you get relief from the problem.
- Or add 2 teaspoons of marshmallow root and 1 teaspoon of Oregon grape root into 4 cups of water. Simmer for 15 minutes and remove it from heat. Then add 2 teaspoons of dried dandelion leaves and 1 teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves. Steep it for 15 minutes and strain the tea to drink it.
- Also, include tender dandelion greens in your salad or consume steaming the leaves in your daily diet. But be sure to avoid dandelion, if you’re suffering from diabetes.
Remedy – 3: (Lemon Juice)
Lemon juice stops the liver from making cholesterol, which in turn helps in faster recovery. The acidic nature, vitamin C content, and pectin in the lemon juice will help to get rid of pain and stones in your gallbladder by eliminating the waste products easily from the body.
- Freshly squeeze lemon juice from 2 – 3 lemons and add it to 1 glass of water.
- Stir well and drink this lemon water for 2 – 3 times daily, once in the morning on an empty stomach.
Note: Or mix 30 ml each of fresh lemon juice and olive oil and 5 grams of garlic paste in a small bowl. Stir well and consume this in the morning with an empty stomach for 40 – 45 days to get rid of the problem.
Remedy – 4: (Vegetable Juices)
Drinking juices will hydrate the body and help dissolve the stones in your gallbladder. Here, we are preparing a vegetable juice with beetroot, carrot, and cucumber for removing those stones.
Beetroot cleanses the liver and gallbladder and also strengthen them. Carrot is rich in vitamins A & C along with other nutrients. Cucumber is a watery vegetable that detoxifies your body, including gallbladder and liver.
- Extract the juice from 1 cucumber, 1 beetroot and 4 medium size carrots.
- Mix it well and drink this juice for twice daily till you noticed any improvement in your condition.
Note: Or mix 1 beetroot, 1 cucumber, 1 carrot, 1 apple, 2 – inch piece of ginger and a handful of celery stalks in a blender. Pour it into a glass and drink it twice daily to get rid of gallstones.
Remedy – 5: (Pears)
Pectin in the pears will soften the cholesterol filled gallstones and thus flushes out the stones easily from your body. It also alleviates the pain and other symptoms caused due to gallstones.
- Add 1/2 glass each of pear juice and hot water and 2 tablespoons of raw honey in a large glass.
- Stir well and drink it 2 – 3 times daily for 2 weeks to dissolve the stones in your gallbladder.
Note: Or peel off the pear and de-seed it. Cut it into small pieces and cook it in water for 20 – 25 minutes and turn off the heat. Consume a bowl of these warm cooked pears twice daily.
Remedy – 6: (Psyllium)
Psyllium has a rich source of soluble fiber, which is essential for dissolving gallstones. It helps to bind the cholesterol in the bile and prevent the formation of gallstones in your gallbladder. It also relieves you from constipation which is a condition associated with gallstones.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of psyllium powder into 1 glass of water and stir well.
- Drink it for twice daily till your gallstones are cleared from your body.
- But make sure that you have to drink plenty of water, as this will absorb water and makes you dehydrated.
Remedy – 7: (Milk Thistle)
Silymarin, a bitter compound in the milk thistle helps to stimulate bile production which in turn reduces its concentration and thereby flush out the gallstones. This herb helps for proper liver functioning.
- Grind 1 tablespoon of milk thistle seeds and place it in a pan filled with 3 cups of water.
- Boil it for few minutes and turn off the heat.
- Let it steep for 20 minutes and strain the tea (add honey – optional).
- Drink it 2 – 3 times daily to dissolve gallstones.
Note: Or consult your doctor to take its supplements. The recommended dosage is 420 mg of regular standard milk thistle extract (that has 100 – 200 mg of phosphatidylcholine) per day in 3 equal doses.
Tips and Precautions:
- Peppermint stimulates the flow of bile and other digestive juices. It has terpene that dissolves gallstones along with relaxing spasms and relieving your pain. So, drink peppermint tea for twice daily between meals to get relief from gallstones.
- Castor oil neutralizes pain and also reduces the gallstones. Just warm 1 cup of pure castor oil and soak cheesecloth in this oil and place it on the right side of the stomach (gallbladder). Cover it with a plastic sheet and place a hot water bag on the sheet for 45 – 60 minutes. Do it regularly.
- Maintain a healthy body weight, as rapid weight gain or loss, can result in various problems. also, avoid taking birth control pills or other unnecessary medications.
- Always follow a diet which has anti-inflammatory foods that support gallbladder and liver health. The diet like high fiber foods, gluten – free grains, beets, vitamin C (citrus) rich foods, artichokes, healthy fats (fish oil, coconut oil, olive oil), etc. should be included.
- Avoid refined sugar, excess alcohol, hydrogenated oil, convenience foods, deli meats, dairy products and other difficult to digest foods from your diet.
- Drink plenty of water, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, organic food, grass fed animal products and potassium rich foods has to be included in your diet.
- Regular exercise will make you more active and boost up your immune system and digestive functions for grabbing many health benefits.
- Intake of turmeric (aids in proper digestion, heals your pain and enhances your liver metabolism), quebra pedra and bile salts or bile (500 – 1000 mg with meals) will improve your gallbladder function and thus break down your fats.
- Include lots of lentils, nuts, oranges, beans, lima beans and peas in your daily diet to get rid of the gallstones and to enhance proper functioning of the gallbladder.
- Consult your doctor before using any of these remedies or tips to diagnose your health. Also, go for regular checkups till you get complete relief from the gallstones.
This is all about Natural remedies for removing gallstones. Do you know any other methods for dissolving gallstones? Then share it with us in the below comments box.
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